Noun | English Grammar

 Noun | English Grammar

The name of a person, place, or thing is called Noun.
Example:- Raj, Agra, Hat, Priya, Tanmay, India

Types of Noun:-

(1) Proper Noun (व्यक्तिवाचक संज्ञा)

A proper noun refers to the name of a person, place, or thing.


  • Aakash is my friend.
  • I live in India.
  • She is Riya.
(2) Common Noun (जातिवाचक संज्ञा)

A common noun refers to the name of a class of person or thing i.e. a noun referring to a person, place, or thing in a general sense.

  • He is a boy.
  • I live in a city.
  • There is no electricity in our country.
  • That girl is my friend. 
(3) Collective Noun (समुहवाचक à¤¸ंज्ञा)

A collective noun is the name of a group of individuals. A collective noun is used as a singular, if it is used as plural then the noun is a common noun.

  • I walked over an army of ants.
  • He jumped into a hive of bees.
  • Raj forgot about a team of players we saw yesterday.
  • That girl in the middle of a troupe of dancers is so beautiful.
(4) Material Noun (पदार्थवाचक à¤¸ंज्ञा)

A material noun is the name of metal or substance, out of which things are made.

  • Her wedding ring is made of silver.
  • Raj bought furniture made of teak wood.
  • I need some water to drink.
  • This iron object got rust.
(5) Abstract Noun (भाववाचक संज्ञा)

Abstract Noun refers to the name of a quality, idea, action, or state.

  • Raj got a price for his honesty.
  • Priya will defeat them.
  • He lost faith in me.
Abstract noun expresses emotion, action, and state that cannot be physically touched or seen but can only be felt.

(6) Countable Noun (गणनीय संज्ञा)

A countable noun is a noun that refers to something (with both a singular and a plural form) that can be counted.

  • Priya found nine dollars.
  • The dog lost one leg.
  • You should eat one apple daily.
(7) UnCountable Noun (असंख्येय संज्ञा)

An uncountable noun is a noun that refers to something that cannot be counted.

  • We inhale oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide.
  • Time is money.
  • We should not waste water.
  • We live on Earth.

Some rules of Nouns

(1) Some nouns are always used in Plural Nouns. We cannot make them Singular by removing 's'. We use them as Plural only.
Example:- vegetables, thanks, fireworks, scissors, trousers, regards, pants, remains, savings, spectacles

(2) Some nouns look Plural but their meaning is Singular. These are used as Singular.
Example:- Mathematics, News, Politics, Physics, Ethics

(3) Some nouns look Singular but they are used as Plural.
Example:- police, children, cattle

(4) Some nouns are used in Singular from only. These are Uncountable Nouns. Articles are not used with them.
Example:- Advice, Poetry, Knowledge, Wastage, Jewellery, Money

(5) Some nouns are the same in both Singular and Plural forms.
Example:- fish, family, team

(6) Some nouns are Plural by meaning but if we use specific definite numeral adjectives before them, then we cannot Pluralise these nouns.
Example:- pair of shoes, ten feet, three dozen, three hundred
But if we use indefinite countable with them, then we can Pluralise these nouns.
Example:- dozens of women, millions of dollars, hundreds of people

(7) If in a sentence, a Preposition is used after any noun and then the noun is used again, the noun remains Singular.
Example:- We walked from door to door. Bus after bus is arriving.

(8) If in a sentence, 'a half' or 'a quarter' is used after Numeral Adjective then Noun is kept after the Numeral Adjective, and then 'a half' or 'a quarter'.
Example:- Ram gave me one rupee and a half.

Nouns on the basis of Gender

(1) Masculine Gender: These are the nouns that indicate the male gender. Example:- Father, Author, Actor

(2) Feminine Gender: These are the nouns that indicate the female gender.
Example:- Woman, Mother, Lioness

(3) Common Gender: These are the nouns that are used for both males and females. 
Example:- Baby, Student, Teacher

(4) Neuter Gender: These are the nouns that are used for non-living things.
Example:- Book, Paper, Room

To know about the conversion of Masculine Gender Nouns to Female Gender Nouns Click here👇👇

Nouns on the basis of Number

(1) Singular Noun: Singular noun indicates one person, one place, or one thing.
Example:- Boy, Table, Girl
(2) Plural Noun: Plural noun indicates more than one person, place, or things.
Example:- Boys, Tables, Girls

To know about the rules for Changing Singular to Plural Nouns Click here👇👇


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