Some unique and weird things about Japan

Some unique and weird things about Japan, the land of the rising sun

Japan is known as the land of the rising sun, but there are so many things that make it a whole other world.

Get ready to explore!

1. Square watermelons 

They were invented back in the 70s by a graphic designer to fit compactly in the fridge and be cut more easily. Japanese farmers grow them in special containers to get the shape. Since they are pretty expensive, people don't buy them as food, but rather as a decorative item.

2. Bizzare flavors of kit-kat 

Chili pepper, wasabi, sweet potato, grilled corn, soybean, salt watermelon, mango, green tea - yes that's only a shortlist of the KitKat flavors you can try in Japan. Which one will you try? Let me know down in the comments.

3. Umbrella Parking Lot  

Before going inside a building, you can park and lock your umbrella just like you do with your bike. Now you can be sure no one will take it and you won't make a puddle on the floor if your umbrella is wet. Many government buildings, offices, and hotels have this sort of umbrella rack.

4. Rabbit island 

Back in the 40s, scientists brought a number of rabbits to Okunoshima Island to do some tests. However, later on, the animals were freed and started to multiply. Now the island is full of them and attracts a lot of tourists.

5. Purikura Machine 

Taking photos in a booth is nothing new, but Japan added its own exciting twists to this experience. Their photo booths, called purikura, allow you to edit photos right on the spot, adding different backgrounds, funny stickers, or writing. Also, you can send the pictures to your cell phones. 

6. Naps at work 

In Japanese culture, dozing off at the workplace is considered a sign of being a hard-working person who is very committed to their job. That's why its very common and no one thinks it as a bad thing.

7. No four's 

It is common for Japanese culture to avoid the number 4 because it's considered to be very unlucky. That's why some buildings don't have the 4th floor, stores don't sell a set of cutlery for 4 and the number of guests to some event cant is 4.

8. Polite Slurping 

While in many other countries slurping is considered rude, in Japan, it's a way to show your appreciation of the dish. If you don't slurp when you eat noodles, then the chef will think that you don't enjoy the food.

9. Train delays make headlines 

Punctuality is a really big thing thee, and train stations do everything possible to avoid a delay. If a train is 5 minutes late, the railway company might have to issue a dealy certificate for railway workers and passengers who missed important appointments. And if the delay is longer than an hour, then the railway company might give an official apology in newspapers.

10. Silent Karaoke 

This is a special microphone with a cone that you place over your mouth. It muffles most of the sound when you sing. It was designed for people who don't want to wake up their neighbors, and those who feel shy about their favorite tunes in public. 

11. Strange Mayo 

No, Japanese mayo does not have any special recipe or ingredient. But they don't eat it with salads, meat, and sandwiches, in Japan, people usually use it as a topping for ice cream or on pancakes.

12. Face napkins  

When you eat a burger, it's never pretty because your mouth gets covered in ketchup or mustard. Owners of one fast-food restaurant found a solution to this by serving burgers together with special napkins. They cover the faces of guests who feel a bit embarrassed about looking messy while eating. 

13. Blue traffic light 

They use a blue color instead of green for traffic lights. The reason for that hides in their language. Historically, there was only one word for both colors. When traffic lights first appeared in the country, they were as green as anywhere else. But that green color was still called blue. To make things right, the government decided to use the bluest shade of green possible. 

14. People Pushers 

Subways and train stations get really overcrowded during rush hour. That's why the station staff and part-time workers have to perform the routine procedure of pushing people inside trains to fit in as many passengers as possible before the doors close.

15. Crazy Ice cream flavors 

Japnese love weird food combos. That's why finding an ice cream flavored with horse meat, charcoal or garlic won't be a problem here.

16. Tokyo's biggest resident  

In 2015, Godzilla was granted citizenship in Tokyo's Shinjuku ward. The authorities presented a special certificate stating his new residency, and also made him a job offer - Godzilla became the tourism ambassador.

17. Futuristic Toilets 

Toilets in Japan are very high-tech. To use one, a person should know what all those buttons are for. There are a variety of functions.

18. Companion Cafe 

Sitting alone in a cafe and enjoying your coffee and food is common for most people around the world. But here in Japan, you will get a huge plush Moomin to sit next to you in one of the cafes, so you don't have to eat alone.

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