Some tips about the right way to charge your phone
Some tips about the right way to charge your phone
1. Letting your phone go to 0% charge and then recharging it to 100%. It is definitely not a good option. If you do so you can damage the inside materials of the battery and can cause battery corrosion.
2. A fast charge can reduce your battery life. It generates more heat than the normal charge which is bad for the battery. It consumes more battery than it gives to your phone.
3. Using Random chargers - It's not true that all the charges are the same. The best thing you could do to your phone is to provide it with the original charger. Other chargers may have different potentials that can damage your phone and also they don't include any protection from power surges.
4. Charging your phone in cafes or other public places.
You never know whether the plug is faulted or even the voltage is right. Also if you are using USB someone may steal your data.
5. Power banks are much safer than any public place. Just make sure that Ampere is right. Most power banks have a range of 2.1A to 2.4A which is totally okay!!